Today we received a special delivery from Breeziway, a company who designs "Feather Headpieces for Today's Fascinating Woman." Quite an intro to live up to! Luckily for us, the brides here at Hot Pink tend to be not only fascinating, but also, fabulous.
Feathers are one of the main ingredients in their delightful hair pieces, but they are also adorned with Swarovski crystals, pearls, and detachable brooches. Each piece is designed to be extremely light-weight, so you'll barely notice you're wearing anything at all.
Breeziway headpieces are perfect for any occasions, but were specially designed for special days like prom, birthdays, and of course wedding days.
Clients can choose from one of over 75 designs or work with the designer exclusively to create a custom piece. Head pieces can also be dyed to match or coordinate with your gown or ensemble.
Here is a sneak peek of the Breeziway headpieces we received at The Hot Pink Factory today:

For more information on these fabulous pieces, contact us or visit their website,, and tell them the Hot Pink girls sent you!