Piret, of Piret Bikinis sent us a few of her designs to keep on hand for photo shoots and styling.

The handmade bikinis are all one of a kind and definitely deisgned for the brave beach bunnies who aren't afraid to show a little skin. The ruched backing is one of the details we love, and give beach bums the perfect lift.
She also makes coordinating headbands which can also double for a belt. They look great even without the coordinating bikini--and we love rocking them with our favorite boho maxi.
We're also proudly using them in our upcoming calendar shoot for the Heavyweight Factory--don't be fooled by the name--this is actually a shoot for the sexy ring girls that prance across the ring during fights. (Pictures to follow!)
To get your hands on one of Piret's exclusive bikinis, contact us here at the Hot Pink Factory and we'll be happy to point you in the right direction.
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