Monday, April 11, 2011


The Hot Pink Perspective
By: ‘The Fashion Massiah’

The 2011 spring trends are sweeping the market with a re-visit of what I like to call “oldies, but goodies.” This refers to the season’s inclusion of re-tailored versions of some pieces to which we probably would not have given a second look. One item that certainly has the potential to spark the new “skinny jean” craze is the cropped fitted Capri. With the ability to melt any fashionista’s Givenchy gold heart, the cropped pant offers a plethora of styling options that can cater to any style tribe. Thankfully this garment could not have entered the market at a better time, as the humidity readings for our Florida weather begins to creep into the lower hundreds. I say, why not give your sexy calves some room to breathe while showing off a new and exciting trend. Available in an assortment of patterns, colors and even textures, the Capri will mix seamlessly into your working wardrobe for the better, while adding an unforeseen flare to both your day and evening attire. Trust me; it’s not your typical soccer mom’s pant. Check out Hot Pink Style’s wardrobe mix of Capri madness, for the summer’s best goody trend.

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